Once again our sincere thanks to all of you who have again
supported the Picture Quiz and made some very kind donations. The quiz has so
far raised £700, which is up on last year and close to our record of £712. The
amount raised will enable us to provide regular nutritional visits and
occasional healthcare visits to the Leprosy Colony in Purulia, West Bengal, for
a further twelve months. The money is remitted directly through the Friends of
RV Mission, and no deductions are made so all of the funds go direct to those
in need. You can see pictures of some of the visits by following the links at the side of the page and register
to receive regular updates if you so desire.
The adjudicator has been through all the entries received,
many of which were of a very high standard!! We are pleased to announce
that this year’s winning entry was submitted by Paul Kidd and Daphne Greaves,
from Worsley, who are pictured receiving their prize from David Haywood..
We hope that you will continue to support the quiz, and hope to have the next one available in late November. The answers to the quiz
appear below.