You can help

  • You can now make a Donation using the button below.  If you do not have a PayPal account you can make the donation using any major Credit or Debit card
  • Raise money for free when you buy on the internet. Click here to register 
  • Then click on "Not Registered".  Search for "Friends of Ramakrishna", you should find us listed by our full name.  Enter your personal details and answer the questions, remember to agree to the terms.   You could bookmark the home page.  When you buy on the internet please use the site to find your favourite retailer.  You can now buy at the same prices as always, but the retailer will be making a donation to the Friends funds.

  • Sponsor a child for £10 per month which will cover accommodation, clothing, food, healthcare, education and training.  See our photo gallery showing some of the children and some of our schools within the RV Mission

  • Fund raising for our objectives, such as sponsored run, swim, cycling etc.,
We have undertaken many projects and activities to fulfil our aims.  Some of these are educational activities, our leprosy project, hospital and healthcare, water project and other projects designed to support our aims and those of the RV Mission

  • Ad-hoc donation. To purchase items such as:-
 text books and library books
 audio visual equipment,
 computers and relevant items
 tube wells and water filtration systems
tools of the trades e.g. electrical, mechanical, carpentry, tailoring etc.,
healthcare items including medicines and dressings
special shoes, repairing homes, etc for our leprosy project
Our supporters/donors can choose which project to support or item to part or fully purchase. For examples and photographs please send an email to Dr S Ghosh.

FoRVM does not take any deduction for administration costs etc., from any donation and  all  money goes to the  RV Mission.  
Please complete a Gift Aid declaration if you are a taxpayer, this adds value to your donation, thank you.

Gift Aid
You can click on the form below then right click to print it if you wish to make a Gift Aid Declaration.