Every year we create a Picture Quiz to raise money to support
the Leprosy Community near Purulia, West Bengal. The money raised goes directly
to provide monthly nutritional visits for the villagers – who all
suffer from severe leprosy issues - which they would not otherwise receive.
Over the last ten years the quiz has raised more than £5,000.
You might be interested in either purchasing
a copy of the quiz for entertainment for you and your family over the coming
weeks, or selling them to your friends.
If you wish to help in this, you will find the quiz below, together with an answersheet. Details of how to submit your
entry are on the sheet, but only a few of our supporters actually send in
entries – the majority like to receive this quiz for entertainment purposes! YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO PRINT THE PICTURES BELOW. PLEASE EMAIL david.haywood@uwclub.net IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE AN ORIGINAL COPY.
If you want to send a donation for the quiz you can do so to
the Friends of RV Mission account either by post or direct to the following
Sort code 11-18-11 A/c no 04518023