Monday, 31 October 2011

Bel Canto and Guest artists sing for the RKV Mission

On the afternoon of Sunday 23rd October, a group of classical young solo singers taught by Mrs Ann Munro from Lossiemouth put on a concert at Elgin Town Hall to raise funds for the Mission.

The performers were mostly young people from the Moray area, sharing their talent and their love of music with a small but appreciative audience. The Cruickshank family, who have been privileged to support the Mission for over a decade, had three generations of performers on stage - Georgia and Alice Cruickshank performed a selection of solo songs with Alice accompanying herself on guitar, dad Ian played accordion and accompanied local fiddle players and grandmother Maisie Oates, who celebrated her 75th birthday that day, finishing off with another solo performance. 

Special thanks for their time and talents go to Ann Munro, Musical director, Rod Munro, sound engineer and his wife Rose, chief organiser and compere for the show.

The sum of £200 was raised for the Mission which will be used towards purchasing books and other educational materials for the poor children at the Primary School, Purulia,  Helen and her family also funded several times for building the primary school.

Alice is playing guitar, Georgia is singing solo and Ian is playing the accordion with a group called "Fiddlers Galore", who consist of Raymond Wood, Georgie Duthie and George West, all from Moray.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Tube Well Sponsored by the Order of St Lazarus

These are photos of the newly installed tube-well in Purulia leprosy village.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Classical Concert at Elgin

Helen Cruickshank and her family at Elgin, Scotland will be hosting a fund raising event  for the Friends of R V Mission on  Sunday 23 October 2011 between  3pm and 5pm.  They have been  dedicated supporters of our objectives for many years and raised funds several times before.  The venue is the Town Hall, Elgin and this classical concert will be performed by the ‘Bel Canto’ group of singers including a solo by Helen’s mother Maisie Oates and Helen’s husband Ian playing accordion, their daughters Alice and Georgia will also be singing.  A full report  and photographs will be made available after the event.